what do you see?
If you pay close attention to the video of Luis on the Homepage, you will notice that Luis is using a spoon and fork to eat his meal. Laying on his plate is a knife.
What you do not see in this video is when Luis is first given eating utensils by the waiter, Luis exclaims, "I get a knife?!"
When his plate is brought to him, the waiter offers a steak knife. To this, Luis inquisitively asks, "I get two knives?"
And, when he first arrived and was faced with the challenge of ordering from the menu, Luis chose to randomly point at an item without first deciding if what he chose was actually something he was interested in eating.
Solomon teaches Luis how to use a knife
Here, Solomon guides Luis on how to use a knife, a practice not used inside prison.
Luis makes sure not to waste his napkin
When Luis recieves his coffee, he quickly, and with no hesitation, tears his napkin in half - one half used for a coaster, the other for his hands.
Some takeaways to consider:
The incarceration of youth limits their ability to learn and practice everyday 'social norms', depriving them the experiences that we may take for granted on a daily basis, ones they miss out on from an early age.
Being incarcerated for long periods of time, especially for those incarcerated in their youth, gives individuals a sense that they will not have enough for the 'next time' or tomorrow.
Having a supportive circle of peers for guidance can be an important part of transitioning out of prison, especially from those who have shared experiences.
Relationships are formed and bonds created inside prison walls; many individuals have expressed the importance of maintaining close connection with those they formed these attachments with while incarcerated.
The 'experts' on reentry are those who have lived the experience; it serves us to learn from their experiences and perseptivse so we can then better serve those who are next to make this meaningful transition.
For many individuals transitioning from prison, they have expressed feeling overwhelmed by day to day choices (for example, choosing from a menu at a restaurant).