The Kid C.A.T. Comic Book
Imagine growing up in a world where being a super hero wasn't just something you saw on the television screen, where being the hero wasn't just a thing for the imagination, only obtainable by actors. Imagine a world where children grew up believing that their everyday abilities were seen and valued as superhero powers.
Through our collaboration with the members of CMC, we are co-creating a comic book that will help youth rewrite what is possible, and give them permission to see themselves as the hero - the one who saves the day on their everyday screen.
Every member of Kid C.A.T. contributes to the creation of our book, telling the stories of their Hero's Journey. Upon completion of this tale of struggle and triumph, the members' stories will reach youth across the world, offering them a new way of seeing themselves in the mirror - heroes. Powerful, valuable, desirable, more than human and worthy of taking up the screen. By going on the journey of our comic book, youth will begin to discover their hidden gifts, bringing them face to face with the pieces of themselves that are not only special and unique, but also that contribute to the greater good around them.
Storytelling is such a powerful tool that is used to evoke thought and emotion; it is one that is used around the world, and since the beginning of human.
Yesteryear is the Superman or the Wonder Woman; today's hero is the one who can help each person discover and reclaim their "swag", the one who is dedicated to taking away people's pain, and the one who owns their courage to face their feelings.
EVERYONE has a story to tell. Developed and used purposefully, storytelling can contribute to inclusion and connection, build confidence, and bring about change.
You can help us create our comic book by investing in the power of storytelling - that the Kid C.A.T. members' stories are valuable and can serve a greater purpose. Help us connect them to the youth of today who are seeking the super heroes within!